Saturday, January 1, 2011

Flew Through Last Year

So last year went by in blink of an eye & now I welcome 2011 with hopes to find my niche in the "Work At Home Mom" (WAHM) world.  I have thought about selling many things and have come to a conclusion

on what those things will be, Thank God!  I have yet to reveal those things, so it's my work in progress :) & hush hush till then.  Also now that I've put my running shoes back on, it's time be that skinny girl that's trapped in this body & kick my weight loss into full gear.   Here's to wishing everyone a Happy New Year may we all fulfill our resolutions.  Hopefully I'll be keeping up with this more often. Now I'm off to tend to the screaming kids!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Welcome to the world Madelyn!

This post is way past due.. 5 weeks past due to be exact, but it's better than never right?

My family & I welcomed beautiful Madelyn to the world August 20th, she weighed 8.0lbs & was 19in long. I'm truly blessed to have such healthy children, she's such an amazing baby & I absolutely adore her.  Big brother Aiden is doing so well with his baby sister, he loves her so much & has been such a big help.  I am slowly adjusting to the juggling of both kiddos, so far it's been a challenge but a challenge I welcome openly.  My family & I have been truly blessed to have so much help from friends & family, I'm very thankful to have such awesome people in my life.

Hopefully now that I have started to figure things out with Madelyn & Aiden, I will be able to blog more about my adventures, stay tuned for more from a new Stay at Home Mom.

Below are pictures of Madelyn's birth day & hanging around the house.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Preparing for Two Birthdays

My little guy is turning three years old next Friday and to celebrate his big day, my husband and I are planning a little get together with friends including the pool and some delicious BBQ.  Aiden is currently on this Disney Toy Story kick, so that is theme we're using along with lots of goodies that include Toy Story.  I know he will be so excited when he comes home from the pool to see his favorite characters decorated throughout the dining room, I can't wait to see his face filled with joy when he does!

Along with the planning for Aiden's special day, we've been planning for the birthday of our baby girl.  I'm hoping she will wait 3 more weeks before she decides to make her debut, at least so my mom can be here too.  Finishing up my list of "things-to-do" I need to get the hospital bag packed & the baby's things packed so I won't be scrambling when it is time to go to the hospital. Wish me Luck!

I know for sure these next few weeks are going to fly by, but I will embrace these special days as they come and as always I will be taking lots of pictures!

A picture of Mt. Charleston I  took last year.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Running.. How I miss you!

I took on running last fall after making the decision that it was definitely time to get my butt back into shape. I was doing really good too, slowly increasing my distance weekly and I had planned to continue throughout my pregnancy once we found out we were expecting, sadly my running shoes were put on the back burner due to some pretty intense nausea the first 3 months of my pregnancy. Once I had finally felt comfortable enough to get back on the road, I found I lost all my progress and I got winded quite easily, so sadly again I put my running shoes back on the shelf.  Although the pregnancy has put my passion or I guess you could say addiction for running on hold, I've made plans for after my precious baby arrives, including a double jogger stroller (which I'm extremely excited about) so once I'm feeling well again I can slowly get out there running again with both kiddos in tow. 

Luckily Aiden loves to go for runs too, he enjoys the breeze and obviously the free ride. I'm definitely motivated to get out there running again, I have a 5 year wedding anniversary trip that requires a lot of swimwear.

It's definitely never too late to start!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Looks like there won't be any use for newborn cloth diapers

Well I've been preparing for a significantly healthy good sized newborn, I keep telling myself if the baby is anything like her brother (born 9.2lbs) she will not need tiny baby diapers and well today at my 32 week ultrasound scan confirmed my preparations were accurate. The ultrasound technician told me that my sweet little kicker is already weighing in at 5.8lbs can I say Wow!!!, I knew she'd be big but not at 32 weeks weighing almost the size of a full term newborn. As for what the doctors have planned for me, I'm not sure what to expect now especially after this last scan results & since I'm considered a high risk pregnancy.

Right now I feel the best I can do for the time waiting is to try to prepare my family for an early August baby. By the way can't wait to try out my new cloth diapers when she makes her grand entrance!

 Fourth of July Photos
(sorry if some quality is bad still learning to use the SLR camera)

"Rock on America"

Friday, July 2, 2010

24 Days

Picture is from last year's 4th of July festival my little guy enjoying some shaved ice.

I finally have come to the realization that my last month of paychecks is coming to a close. To some it may seem petty but to me it's very scary. Ever since I left the home front when I was 18 years old, I have been financially able to carry myself not having to depend upon another persons income to financially support me. Maybe it is just the pregnancy hormones causing this eye opening realization to be so intense or maybe it's just because I'm a little scared. My husband is being very supportive & comforting towards the fact that I'm a little overwhelmed by this reality that my paycheck will stop in 24 days! I'm looking forward to the challenges that lay ahead.

On a brighter note July 4th awaits this weekend and I'm so thrilled to spend it with my family, every year since we moved here we have attended a 4th of July festival filled with free fun for the whole family. Happy 4th of July to all and stay safe.